Friday, June 9, 2017

Hay for Preweaned Calves

"Hay for Preweaned Calves" is the subject for the June, 2017 issue of the calf management newsletter. In summary you will find:

  • Calf-care persons have widely different opinions about feeding hay to preweaned calves.
  • Discussions about feeding hay to preweaned calves need to to specify (1) the physical form of hay, (2) volume hay fed, (3) nutrient profile, (4) species present, and (5) calf age at which hay is introduced to the ration.
  • Discussions about feeding hay to preweaned calves may focus on papillae development and health and lack emphasis on the microbial population essential for forage digestion.
  • Recent research is leading me to conclude that limited hay intake has a variety of positive outcomes for preweaned calves.
  •  Practical aspects of feeding hay to preweaned calves.
If you have any stories to share dealing with feeding hay to calves please feel free to forward them to me at I would enjoy hearing from you. 


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