Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Good Colostrum Quality from 2nd Milking

Is  it worth your time to check second milking from mature cows for antibody concentration? YES.

Dr. Noelia Silva-del-Rio, UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Extension specialist in Tulare CA, measured first and second milking from third or greater lactation Jersey cows. She had 134 first-milking samples and 68 second-milking samples.

43% of the second-milking samples contained IgG concentrations of 50g/L  (the industry standard for acceptable quality for first feeding).  

Given a shortage of first milking colostrum, Dr. Silva-del-Rio encourages producers to collect and test 2nd milking. 

I agree. These data suggest that nearly one-half of the time the 2nd milking will be suitable for the first feeding of newborn calves. 

Reference: California Dairy Magazine, May 2018, p16.

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