Friday, February 21, 2020

Newborn calf immunity: How well is your Colostrum
Management program working?

The key points:
  • Test, don't guess.
  • Sampling vs. blanket blood draws.
  • Use the results.
The February calf management newsletter is now posted at 
or click HERE

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"More colostrum is helpful, but don't force it"

This is the title of a short article, actually the "Veterinary Column" in the February 25 issue of Hoard's Dairyman magazine by Dr. Ollivett, University of Wisconsin.

Terry was responding to a question about the volume of colostrum to feed calves. If you receive this magazine you will want to go to the very back page of this Feb 25 issue. She has sound practical advice. 

I tried to find a way to access this column via the web without success. So, if you do not receive Hoard's maybe you can borrow it from a neighboring dairy.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Calves and Bicycle Wheels
Number 6 of a six-part series on calf health

This is a fun series on calf health. Click  HERE     to go to Number 6 - Sanitation

All six of the series have now been posted at the Calf Management site on
Go to the site, select the RESOURCES drop down menu, chose Calf Management Newsletter for all six in the series. 


Friday, February 14, 2020

Calves and Bicycle Wheels
Number 5 of a six-part series on calf health

This is a fun series on calf health. Click  HERE     to go to Number 5 - Vaccination

Part six will be posted on Monday, February 17th.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Calves and Bicycle Wheels
Number 4 of a six-part series on calf health

This is a fun series on calf health. Click   HERE  to go to Number 4 Air Quality or use URL

They will be posted daily.

Calves and Bicycle Wheels
Number 3 of a six-part series on calf health

This is a fun series on calf health. Click HERE to go to Number 3 - Bedding

They will be posted daily.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Calves and Bicycle Wheels
Number 2 of a six-part series on calf health

This is a fun series on calf health. Click HERE to go to Number 2 - Calories
The URL is

They will be posted daily.


Monday, February 10, 2020

Calves and Bicycle Wheels
Number 1 of a six-part series on calf health

This is a fun series on calf health. Click HERE to go to Number 1 - Colostrum.
The URL is

They will be posted daily.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Three Colostrum Myths Debunked

This is the title of an article by Sarah Morrison from the W.H. Miner Institute (see URL below)

The three myths are:
  • High volume means low quality.
  • First calf heifer colostrum should not be used.
  • Route of administration determines absorption rate.
Enjoy - well written article. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Newborn Care - Video by Ann Hoskins

Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus, produced a short video showing the procedures followed for newborn calves on a Wisconsin dairy. Good narrative - good video - worth your 5 minutes to be reminded of the basics. 

Here is the url
