Monday, April 17, 2017

Helping Calves Beat the Heat

This is the title of a short, one page article in the Miner Institute Farm Report, April issue. 

Click HERE to go to the Report. This article is on page 4, "Helping Calves Beat the Heat." 

The article looks at the role of fat in preweaned calves rations during heat stress days. 

The summary:
1. "The results of this study indicate that calves did not benefit from being fed supplemental fat during the summer months. "

2. "Based on the results of this study, producers should consider feeding a lower fat milk replacer to maximize feed efficiency and lean growth in their calves during the summer months."

An interesting study.

If you are not already familiar with the W.H.Miner Institute in Chazy, NY you may want to visit their web site,

The Farm Report is found HERE. There is an archive section - access is at the bottom of the Farm Report page. 

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