Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scours and Up-to-Date Information
So, here we are trying to pin down some possible management changes that could reduce scours treatment rates for preweaned calves on a dairy farm. Treatment rates since mid-March have been very high - not killing calves - taking a LOT of labor, however, to keep calves hydrated.

Colostrum bacteria culture data - yes - unfortunately the samples data are dated late November. At that time bacteria levels were at acceptable levels. A lot could change in four months?

Blood serum total protein data - yes - 37 samples of which 32 were from before March 1st.  Using all 37 samples we find 78% equal to or above 5.2 (Goal=90%) and 73% equal to or above 5.5 (Goal=80%).

Looking only at BSTP since March 25th 67% were below 5.2. Not looking good here. 

Diagnostic lab data are dated 11/19/12, 12/3/12, 12/4/12, and 12/8/12. At least these confirm that salmonella was not present. Basically everything else (viruses, bacteria, parasites) that is common on dairy farms was present. 

Where are we going to start?
1. culture a current "as-fed" sample of colostrum
2. culture a current  "as-fed" sample of milk
3. get as many current BSTP samples as there are calves between 1 and 7 days of age
4. On-farm observe feeding practices looking for consistency (seeConsistency check list) in management practices.

More on this case study after I have a chance to visit the farm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was wondering if you could please re-post or guide me to the consistency check list? The link does not appear to be working and I tried looking through your website but didn't have any luck finding the check list. I am currently working with a farm with a similar issue and would like to bring as many resources to the table as possible. Thank you for your help!

Dr. Sally Adams